Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Wrestlemania XXX Dream

Grand daddy of them all. Biggest ppv of the year. Biggest wrestlemania of all time. The superbowl of professional wrestling.

Every year, no matter how lacklustre the WWE roster might be, they will invariably dub that year's wrestlemania as the greatest wrestlemania of all time. While some wrestlemanias (such as 18) do seem to be legitimately greatest, they do get surpassed by some other dream wrestlemania.

Wrestlemania 18 had an array of spectacular performers and big-name superstars from the past(Hall, Nash, Hogan, Flair), but it failed to be a show loaded with spectacular athleticism and long-culminating feuds. Here's the best from that WM:-
1)The Rock defeated Hogan in the biggest match of that year's WM.
2)HHH beat Jericho to win the Undisputed Championship.
3)The Undertaker beat Ric Flair to become 10-0.

Apart from these matches, the card resembled an array of performers mismatched and those matches lacked to be Wrestlemania-calibre too :-
Kurt Angle vs Kane(could've been  a WM classic had they given it some time)
Edge vs Booker T
Austin Vs Hall(obviously a let down due to Hall's sub-par performing capacity)
DDP Vs Christian(?)
Maven vs Goldust(better if it'd have been a Sunday night HEAT Main Event?)
Rob Van Dam vs William Regal [once again, this should've been given 20 minutes, with some sort of a gimmick, submission match, hardcore, 2-out-of-3-falls, or Champion(Hardcore) vs Champion(IC) ] With the contrasting calibres of Rob Van Dam and William Regal combating on the big  stage, it would've been another classic. Yet WM never allows it.

In contast, Wrestlemania 19 was far more superior in terms of quality, athleticism, and spectacle.

1) HBK vs Jericho was a show-stealer is something which shouldn't be spoken.
2) Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle was the greatest one-on-one WWE title match in the history of WM, ever. Anybody who disagrees is wrong. Nobody in the history of WWE were more agile, powerful, intense, and amazing together than these two. (Except for maybe Bret Hart and HBK, but neither were as superlative in in-ring technicality as Kurt Angle, nor legitimate beasts with godly wrestling skills as Lesnar).
3)The Rock vs Austin was an intense match and a star-lit spectacle that no Wrestlemania match(from WM 20 onwards) has surpassed so far. Greatest two stars of the Attitude Era. Will never be replaced.
4)Three most amazing and technically spectacular tag-teams(except for Rhyno part of the Benoit equation) to ever compete in a triple threat faced each other on this grand stage:-
Team Angle(Haas and Benjamin) vs Los Guerreros vs Chris Benoit  and Rhyno

The mediocre matches were:-
HHH vs Booker T
Mcmahon vs Hogan
Mysterio vs Matt Hardy
Undertaker vs Big Show and A-train.

Contrast all of this with this year's Wrestlemania. Even though infused with part-timers, this year's Wrestlemania legitimately seems to be something that can be "biggest" of all time. 

Consider what the card could potentially look like:-
1) Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
2) Batista vs Randy Orton for the WWE WHC
3) John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
4) Shawn Michaels vs Daniel Bryan
    HHH vs Daniel Bryan
    Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan

In case Michaels doesn't return(he must, but in all likelihood he won't) for this match, and in case either of HHH or Sheamus don't face Bryan, it leaves a void for one performer, and yet this is just half the card which has a whole lot of potential.

In case Bryan is inserted into the WWE WHC match(which he shouldn't be), that could give us a match far more desirable and magnificient in:-

1)HHH vs Roman Reigns
2) Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE WHC
3) The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar
4) John Cena vs Bray Wyatt

With either of these two blockbuster cards, it's hard to imagine what would or could be the fate of a multitude of amazing performers currently stationed in the WWE Roster.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust, The Shield, Wyatts, Sheamus(in case he doesn't face Bryan), Cesaro, Swagger, Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Christian, Dolph Ziggler,  Damien Sandow , Wade Barret and Kane. 

There're also a few not-so-spectacular performers(In my opinion) whose likelihood of a Wrestlemania participation seems to hang in the balance at this juncture. Including- The Miz, Fandango, Big E Langston, The Big Show, and quite a few tag teams such as R-Truth and Xavier Woods( I'll be damned if they're featured on the card), Old-Aged New Age Outlaws(I'll be redamned), among others.

The only way most of these mid-carders could be stuffed into an already loaded wrestlemania (Notwithstanding non-wrestling appearances by Flair, Hogan, etc.)  could and should be a money-in-the-bank ladder match. Imagine the glory and spectacle if Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho return for one night to hold their own on this grand stage to compete 

5) Money in the bank Ladder match:-
Christian vs Chris Jericho vs Van Dam vs Dolph Ziggler vs Damien Sandow vs Wade Barret.

That still leaves stellar performers Cesaro and Swagger still out of this match. One could well conceive Shield members Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins competing in this match.

Time will only tell how well the WWE creative creates what could potentially be a dream Wrestlemania card which will be in a long time, an event complete in ceremony, pomp, grandeur of athleticism, and a showcase of the immortals.

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